Encouraging you and equipping you to walk confidently in your purpose no matter the season.
Danielle Isaac Encouragement You will be blessed in what you do. (James 1:25) “But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.” James 1:25 NIV Look for the blessings as you walk in obedience. Watch for the blessings. Expect the blessings. Walk freely. Walk boldly. Catch the blessings and keep moving forward. Learn the lessons and keep moving forward. Now is not the...
Danielle Isaac Encouragment Sometimes we can focus solely on the bad in a situation that we do not consider what good could come from it. Or if we do consider the good it’s based on limited thinking and limited beliefs. Why? Why is it so hard to see good? As I sat with this I realized I needed clarity on a few things: What is your prayer concerning this “bad/hard” thing ? Is it for the good of others and the glory of God? What does God say about this "bad/hard" thing ? Have you stuck a...
Danielle Isaac Single Ladies Single Ladies, Do not be afraid to be alone. Just because you are not married right now does not mean that you will not be married one day. Just because you are not in a serious relationship right does not mean that you will not meet someone one day. Speak life into your future. The way you live and the way you carry yourself today could be what brings you out of hiding to be seen by your future spouse. Have you read the story of Isaac and Rebekah? That’s one of...